Monday, December 29, 2008


Eleven Amazing Cosmos Photos

I was glancing over some archives... and these are some of my favorites. Mouseover for name of image. Right-click and "View Image" for hi-res.

Credit goes to NASA and their miscellaneous related organizations and astrologers and whatnot.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Christmas Eve.

I'm now eighteen.

Woo hoo.

[ sculptor ][ scaryideas ][ inkscape ][ wine ][ songbird ][ parlophone ][ travel ][ DJ ][ lunar ]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No Longer

No longer will I have to rewind the past
Those I've come to glimpse of it;
No longer will I carry this weighted mass
Now I face the day with no shame!
- "No Longer", Decyfer Down

This song perfectly describes today for me.

And, oh my God, there are only ten days until my birthday.
I'm thinking a navel piercing is in order.

mp3toss . cowbirds . tv-links . film noir . relativism . danyboy

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Let's Go Again

A love song based off of MarioKart... that actually doesn't suck. Who knew?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Performance High

Just finished my choir concert. I am COMPLETELY jazzed with energy, and am ready to do the entire performance a SECOND TIME.

Let's go. Let's go right now. AGAIN!

A few of the songs we sang: