Saturday, March 29, 2008

For Forgetfulness' Sake

So today I saw the movies Happily Never After (movie here), Crank (movie here), Penelope (movie here), and The Boondock Saints.

And no, I did absolutely nothing productive. I'll save that sort of action for Monday, when classes start back up again. *sigh*

Friday, March 28, 2008

Misguided Youth

This sickens me with its sheer awesomeness.

I mean, dude. Go get a job.

Also, I've seen this movie before, but it makes me crack up every. Single. Time.

Surfing Shirts

I really like a lot of the shirts that are featured on this site. Definitely my kind of style.

My username on the site is freedom, in case you'd like to know.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


While I'm not sure I agree with (or even, dammit, understand) everything that was explained in this video, it sure does represent some dang fascinating theory. And yay for me, I recognized some stuff from A Wrinkle In Time. Hooray for L'Engle's awesome bending-string explanation!

Also, this looks like a pretty kitty.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Further Snapshots

Ta-da! More photos from my vacation. Unfortunately some of my cooler photos were too big for texting, so I'm going to have to upload them the lazy way, by hooking up my phone. Bugger it.

Now, some sunsets, like I promised:

Some other sights:

Here's a nice, blurry, purple starfish for ya:

StumbleUpon! is a horrible thing for someone who is easily sidetracked (like me) to have. Take, for instance, the art of Self Defence With a Cane or an Umbrella. Yes, it exists, and yes, it makes sense, and no, no one normally walks around with those sorts of things anymore. Outdated, yes. Cool, hells yes.

Like a ninja. ^_^

Thursday, March 20, 2008

More Repose

I'm just kicking back at the beachouse now. Bought some books, watching TV, witnessed and photographed another awesome sunset (I'll post pics later). Right now I want to watch a movie online; the only problem is that we're piggybacked off of a neighbor's WiFi, and the bandwidth isn't nearly what I'm used to.

Ah, I suffer immensely for my entertainment. Insert self-rebuking snicker here. :D

Forgot to Add

This is from last night's sunset. You should really click on it to full-view.

Needless to say I am very impressed with the quality of the camera on my phone. Not a digital camera quality, of course, but impressive nonetheless.

Casual Writing

We're at the beach house. There is an abundance of rain and uncomfortable furniture. Also I've painted a watercolor picture that I'm rather proud of, and I am in the middle of a good book... I guess I can't complain too much.

But then my friend, who's house-sitting for us, called in a worried tone to inform me that my grandmother's nursing home/recuperation facility called and left a message, to which we needed to reply immediately.


The rain's needle feet tread heavily the windowpanes and patter on the roof. The room around me is dark, empty, and it feels small. The pattering turns to pounding, which changes to tinny thundering. I am not cold, but it feels as though I should be, typing alone on my keyboard. The insistent sounds of rain close in around me, and I am an island of quiet, buffeted by a wet world of invisible, frenzied motion.


Dad called the nursing home. It took four tries before someone finally answered. Apparently my grandmother had insisted that the staff bring her an ambulance, for she complained of a sore throat. She then demanded that they check her out of their care entirely, to which some ridiculously unthinking, dim-witted nurse handed her the forms to sign, freeing the home of all responsibility and authority. Then my grandmother wheeled herself outside in her wheelchair and proceeded to tip herself over on her way down a hill, which sent nurses scurrying to help her back up again, though my grandmother refused to re-enter the home.


The rain has quieted now. The only sound is the dripping from the broken rain gutter outside. The others have already gone to bed, and the presence of the dog at my side is reassuring. The dim yellow light above me gives a homely cast to the dark room, but the windows remain black vacuums of the night.


An ambulance eventually came to bring my grandmother to the hospital, where she now remains. My father is decided that his mother is completely out of her mind, totally irrational, and incapable of making decisions for herself, as this episode has shown. We all tend to agree with him; though, this does not tell us what we do now, six hours away from her side. He finally decided to go to bed, and I agreed, for I was - am - exhausted. But I can't sleep. Not just now. In a moment.


The dishwasher in the kitchen cools, quietly clicking along with the ticking of the cat clock. The dog is curled on the floor beside me, content to sleep where I am not. The dripping of the gutter is monotonous, soothing. I blink often, and my thoughts are slow in coming, but I feel I must share them anyway.


I don't know what to think. It all happened so suddenly, and yet it didn't. We knew she wasn't stable, and we knew she was taking anxiety medication in order to cope with her surroundings in the home. I suppose we just thought that those meds would continue to work. The only thing I can allow myself to hope for now is safety, for her, and the continuance of a peaceful vacation for us... we really can't do anything for her, even if we weren't six hours away.


The rain has stopped. Not even dripping sounds mark its sudden retreat. The darkness reigns supreme, once again silent in its contemplation but for the ticking of the cat clock. I must go to bed. I can't continue with these heavy eyelids for much longer.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spring Break

Quick, it's vacation time.

Everyone rush the crap up and pack and clean the house and be stressed.

I have to go.

*runs off*

Monday, March 17, 2008

Simplicity in Comedy

This comic makes me giggle.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

Also, I very much love this guy's sense of humor. I find myself laughing at his ditties entirely too much.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Idle Minds

Did you ever see the original Windows sounds?

Wishful Thinking

You have not the slightest idea how terribly, horribly much I wish to own this car.

It's very much.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Eating Meat 1s Murder... Y0mmy, Y0mmy Murder

That's right, it is. ;)

I got back one of the stories I had given out in my English class. It contains the most advanced writing commentary I've gotten on anything, ever. It didn't come from the teacher, either; it came from a girl who had given her copy to the wife of an author to read. And dangit, she's good.

At the same time, my teacher should have been the one to make that kind of commentary. I mean, with her, there's no comment she writes that isn't something along the lines of, "Oh, I like this" or "What's going to happen next?" I don't think that the phrase "Fix this" appears anywhere in the woman's vocabulary, much less the mention of grammatical or conceptual errors.

("Well, then, Freedom, why is she a teacher?" Answer: Oh, God, that's what I've been asking myself ALL QUARTER.)

But now that I have all this advanced commentary, in addition to the beautiful blog of Jim Butcher (which I will attempt to utilize to the UTMOST), I think I might be able to save this apparently pathetic attempt at storytelling.

P.S. This is my 100th post. Yay me.

Nuh Uh!

I know what I want for Christmas.

I Could Do That

Okay, maybe I couldn't. But I can pretend.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I found the guy I'll be copying.

I even found the painting I wish to imitate.

God, it's two thirty in the am. I need to go to sleep. I really don't want to get sick again. -_-

Monday, March 10, 2008


The next big assignment for Art is to find a master artist and imitate him or her. It could be either an imitation of style or an imitation of a particular work.

And I can't figure out a bloody thing to do.

Also I watched some of the movie The Very Thought Of You, starring Joseph Fiennes, who, oddly enough, I find totally irresistible. I don't know what it is about him. Maybe it's his lips. I think it must be his lips. But his eyes are so pretty.

I like how I chose the above picture for the man in it, and the pensive expression just happened to mirror my own inner turmoil. That's serendipity for you.

And I don't think his brother is attractive at all.

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Today I managed to go see the Spiderwick Chronicles. It was good, and I love Freddie Highmore; he is just too young to be that good an actor. I mean, jeez. He's got a British accent and was totally able to convince us otherwise. There are some regular grown-up, good actors who can't do that.

I also managed to spot Dane Cook in a cameo role as the "Waffler" in Mystery Men, from before he was big. I love that kid, really I do.

Last but not least I managed to draw a new picture for my dA account. Nuthin' special, but hey, I liked it.

Did anyone else get whacked upside the head by daylight savings? 'Cuz it pretty much ambushed me with some serious ninja skills. Where did Daylight Savings get a black belt? Was it Franklin? It was Franklin, wasn't it? Someone needs to have a sit-down with that man.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's "Ricochet", Actually

Ignore my titles. They mean nothing. Nothing of noting, note: nothing.

I have finally finished watching the movie Amelie, which you should be able to find in its low-quality entirety here. I had begun it last quarter, while waiting to go to my late-night history class, and then it got taken from the library by a teacher; I don't know if the copy is back, but I got tired of waiting.

I really don't like low quality film.

I really liked this movie.

Artsy, dreamy, surreal, and the fact that it's in French disassociates the story a little bit, has you take it in through a filter of language and culture. The actress is wonderful, pretty without being gorgeous, which is refreshing; I found the actor not handsome, but attractive enough to tempt me. The storyline is adorable. While I wouldn't quite call it unpredictable, its pursuit is unique and interesting. Loved the soundtrack. Out of five stars I would give it four and one-half.

Also, please go take a look at the phenomenal watches by DeLaCour. Some of them are really quite stunning. I won't even ask to glance at a price tag, though; it's not worth the heartache.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

To Sleep, To Dream

Now that it's five thirty in the evening, I believe I may wake up, get out of bed, and go have breakfast.

Sleep is a wonderful thing for the sick. I think I just caught up on the whole of last week. :)

And yes, I had some highly wacky dreams, though I don't suppose Shakespeare would be caught dead using the word "wacky".

Monday, March 03, 2008

Up Too Late For My Own Good

I'm not gonna lie, I am in adoration of this comic. The art style is flawlessly consistent and a nice read, and the story is totally enjoyable, even if you haven't seen the shows (which I have). Go see!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Browsing Through Papers

This guy is amazing. I love his tastes in simplicity, and his thorough understanding of his craft. He's really got some skill.

The sickness that I have has no right to be as powerful as it has been for such a long period of time. For that reason my dad thinks I might have some sort of pneumonia, though if so it is a milder version. I didn't know anything about pneumonia except that people used to die of it, but antibiotics have apparently fixed that now. I just have an aversion to antibiotics is all. And if I happen to have viral pneumonia, which is what I strongly suspect, then antibiotics won't help me anyway.

On a side note: terminal velocity is reached after the object in question falls for 12 seconds. Also, I adore the guys who thought up these.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Directed by Jon Favreau

This is what I like to call EXTREMELY HOT STUFF.

Iron Man Exclusive Trailer

More Videos

I love Robert Downey Jr. and I have since Only You. Maybe that's totally retarded, but I liked it anyway. ^_^


Well, all right then, let's re-examine the occurrences:

So I was sick with a cold for a couple of days and got better. About a week later I got the flu, and was getting better. Then I took a trip to the lovely freezing (but dry) climate of Idaho, where my flu dried up considerably, and I lost every symptom except for the occasional residual cough. Then I came back home, and now the BLOODY, STUPID, MORONIC, PIG-HEADED, BASTARD OF A FLU has returned with a vengeance. I curse the damnable nuisance, I really do. With passion unforeseen and unimaginable.

*sigh* At least I don't have a fever anymore. Small concession, though, in regaurds to everything else.

On a side note: My favorite directors that I've managed to come up with so far are Ron Howard, Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro, M. Night Shyamalan, and Richard Donner.