Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Why, Because Then They'd Be Adults?

One of the things I'd like to be able to say when I'm older is that I successfully avoided the trappings of youth.

Whether that be in decisions about occupation, education, or men, I wish for wisdom.

It makes my heart hurt when I see those people who don't respect maturity, or don't desire it.

There's nothing wrong with maturity. It is the next phase, the graduation of intellect, of existence; it is what we have termed Moving Forward. While there are some things we should retain of our childhood, the selfish desires of youth are not one of them. Innocence, openness, yes - but intentional blindness to the knowledge and behaviours of adulthood?

We are made to grow older. We should accept this as the nature of the passage of time, and grow with it, rather than resist what is. We cannot control the passage of time, but we can control how gracefully we will accept the inevitability of change.

And our tastes should adjust with our wisdom, with our realizations of what is real, what is important, what is crucial in life, in love, in spirit.

My taste has changed from boys to men, as I am aware that the taste of men has matured to reflect what is deemed crucial of value in life. So it hurts even more to realize that my friends don't care for what I consider to be the natural change in preference.

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