Thursday, March 11, 2010

Love Song to Summer

My newest poem. Prose. Thing. It's quite a bit better than the last, I think.
The blue vessel sits, solitary and neglected, downstairs
Silver spokes reflecting dimly the light of the single window 
Surrounded by so many other things neglected and forgotten -
But it is not their season. 

My soul cries out as if to some departed lover
Summer, where have you gone?
For I loved you while you remained, giving me your heat
Showing me the glorious life sheltered under your wings.

Brown-skinned and content, I played under your skies
Like a youth, forgetting
The change would come, the cycles re-turn,
As I happily rode my own cycle down lanes and avenues.

The cold fingers of winter are slowly loosening their grip
Afraid to let go, or perhaps jealous.
But I feel the promise of my lover's return in the air
In the steadily growing light, the softened grass underfoot. 

The birds fly by, sparrows singing the herald-song
Finches giving promises of budded trees and blooming flowers
Even crows, gathered in their murders, gossip -
For summer, the time for living, is coming.

And I count down the days and await through long hours
The lonely cycle haunting me between thoughts of you. 
I have grown and changed since last you saw me. 
Will you know me?

Can we be as we once were,
When your arms cradled me, surrounding me with light
Heating the earth under my feet, that I would be warm
Caressing my face with your fine daphne-scented breezes?

The other seasons courted me, but I have remained steadfast
Faithful to you, my first love. 
Return, that I may bask in your glorious days
That I may rejoice in the beauty of your nights. 

Return for the sake of the promise
That all that is left is not forgotten.

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